As is true for every NBA 2K game, NBA 2K23 will also have a range of Christmas-themed MyTeam and MyCareer events.
The Christmas-themed events give gamers a chance to gain some extra rewards that can prove extremely useful for gamers as they strive to get ahead in NBA 2K23. NBA 2K22 had a range of updates, new events, locations, rewards, login bonuses, and even new agendas that were all added for the Christmas and holiday seasons.
This time around, NBA 2K has already released a range of information about the kinds of rewards and events that will be added as part of the Christmas event. The following article looks at everything that has been known thus far, with less than a week remaining for the big holiday to arrive!
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While information about the range of locations and the exact rewards that will be available has not been released, gamers can expect a range of extra benefits to come their way by simply logging in during this period. In the MyCareer mode, both current and next-generation users will get access to codes for 12 days that will be active for only a limited period of time:
December 13 – PARTRIDGE-P9LFX
- Ugly sweaters
December 14 – TURTLEDOVES-R2G5Q
- Holiday scarves
- Arm Sleeves
December 16 – CALLINGBIRDS-H8UJ2
- Face masks
December 17 – GOLDENRINGS-752PE
December 18 – GEESEALAYING-L7R3M
Apart from the above, NBA 2K has also released information about specific daily events that will go live during the holiday season:
Dunk Fest – One community, One goal
December 17, Saturday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Dime Time – One community, One goal
December 24, Saturday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Badge Hunter: Finishing – Receive double badge points in the Finishing category
December 26, Monday
6:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Specialist Appreciation: Shooters – 2XP to 3XP for qualifying players
December 27, Tuesday
6:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Badge Hunter: Defense – Receive double badge points in the Defense category
December 28, Wednesday
6:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Specialist Appreciation: Playmakers – 2XP to 3XP for qualifying players
December 29, Thursday
6:00 AM – 12:00 AM
2K Compete
December 30, Friday
6:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Badge Hunter: Shooting – Receive double badge points in the Shooting category
December 31, Saturday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Wave – Defeat each wave of opponents
January 7, 2023, Saturday
9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
While the specific rewards that will be available have not yet been revealed, gamers only need to log in during the above specified times to earn their rewards!
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