Hayden Panettiere went to Japan to try and physically save some bottle-nosed dolphins from slaughter. She was with a group of surfers from Australia and the US who paddled out on surfboards while dolphins were being corralled into a cove where they would be killed. Dolphins are a delicacy in Japan and their meat is highly valued. They are also sold off to the captivity industry for use in “swim with the dolphins” programs and dolphin shows.
Unfortunately Hayden did not successfully prevent the slaughter after fishing boats blocked her attempt.
Panettiere, 18, recently paddled out on a surfboard in an effort to prevent a group of dolphins from being steered into a nearby cove and massacred, Sky News reported Wednesday.
She and a handful of other surfers from Australia and the United States were blocked by a fishing boat before they could reach the dolphins.
Faced with the ship’s propellers and boathooks, the surfers returned to the beach.
It is believed the dolphins were later slaughtered.
“It was really frightening,” Panettiere told Sky News. “It was so incredibly sad. We were so close to them and they were sky hopping, jumping out of the water to see us. … One little baby dolphin stuck his head out and kind of looked at me and the thought that it’s no longer with us is really hard to take.”
[From UPI]
Hayden’s new boyfriend, her Heroes co-star Milo Ventimiglia, is a vegetarian and he may have influenced her decision to take on this cause.
Here’s a link to an incredibly sad video about how the dolphins are killed in Japan. Warning: I didn’t post it here because it’s very graphic and hard to watch.
I’m a meat and fish eater and usually support causes other than animal rights, but the brutal and cruel way these sentient, gentle animals are killed makes me so upset. Hayden may have failed in her attempt to save that group of dolphins, but she has brought awareness to a very barbaric practice that needs to be stopped. Before Hayden took on this cause I was not aware that dolphins were slaughtered in Japan. Although Hayden has pretty much annoyed me up until this point, I have to say I have a newfound respect for her now.
You can learn more about how you can help save Japan’s dolphins at SaveJapanDolphins.org.