Oftentimes when it comes to friendships people will tell you quality over quantity. It is believed that though you may not have a whole myriad of friends, if you have ones you can trust that is what matters most. Miranda Joan honors strong female friendship with her single “She Knows”. Her graceful, soul-drenched tone glides atop a simplistic backdrop of piano and strings to create a lush, tender track. Miranda Joan passionately sings about those in your life who love you for you, and the piece grabs us at our core. 

The Brooklyn-based, Montréal born singer, songwriter, and musician constructs releases that soar with a whirlwind of emotions. From a young age she honed in on her songwriting craft and it has translated into masterful works that ooze with detail. This captivating serenade to close connections displays that same complex artistry, not just lyrically but vocally as well.

Check out the warm tune “She Knows” and tweet your thoughts @celebmix

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